Round 1... Fight!
I started playing video games when I was around four, all we had for the our Nintendo Entertainment System was Mario/Duck Hunt cart that came with the NES, but that was fine for me. I played Mario until I was too frustrated and then I would play Duck Hunt until I was bored. Then one year my aunt got my cousin a Super Nintendo and a Sega Genesis, and on the Sega she got him a little cart that would begin my infatuation with the Fighting genre of games. That cart, was Mortal Kombat.

Oh man, it was the coolest thing on earth for me. I could be a kung fu master ninja assassin and I wouldn't get in trouble for punching my troublesome littie brother. We played MK for a whole day the day we got it, and at the time this was unheard of as we were all the "go outside and play" types, but something about this game was compelling us to play and not set the controller down. My cousin played Liu Kang a lot and I stuck to the one character that I had figured a special move out with, the spectral ninja from Hell, Scorpion, and I started to notice, this was not as rage inducing as Mario, I could kick ass and take names, and there was no A-Hole flying around throwing things at me, all I had to do was throw my spear, uppercut, round house kick, and some rapid fire punches...and I did this well. Then one day while looking at a GamePro I see something I was unaware of, a button sequence that is still to this day stuck in my head, A B A C A B B, the Blood Code, man that made this already awesome game even cooler to a kid. Then I discovered something else about this game that was even more awesome. I could not only kick my opponents ass from here to there, I could END THEM. The fatalities were really cool, and the novelty kept me playing and playing for quite a while. Then, A New Challenger Appeared.

Yeah, that's right, by 1994 I had my own Sega Genesis and I had a new fighting game that was set to put me on the path to GREATNESS. I got home and put this cart in the Sega and watched the animation at the beginning and I was psyched, nay, I was geeked the hell out.
Look at all those characters!! So many options! I could be Ryu and throw fireballs at people and karate their faces off! I could be Dhalsim and use my Yoga Fire to incinerate my foes! There was a green dude! A green dude! And that mother fu@&!# was electrified! So naturally, I chose Ryu, since he was the one in the animation before the title screen. It took some getting used to as the move sets were a little more complicated than ◄ ◄ + A but with some practice and determination I soon mastered the art of the Capcom fighting style. Yes, the mystical art of Quarter Circle Forward Punch, aka the HADOUKEN, yes sir, I was in business now. Asses were going to be kicked, heads would roll, words would be misheard and incorrectly spoken, but I didn't care I was kicking ass and I was almost at the final boss. That's when I met the most awe inspiring, digital badass on earth. -Cue Awesome Intro Theme- wait...that's not the right theme..-Cue More Awesome Intro Theme-..Standing at Seven Foot Four Inches Tall, and weighing in at 284 pounds, I give you The God of Muay Thai, Sagat.

I quit playing Ryu that minute, and ever since, in every game he is included in, Sagat became my go to, always first played, favorite character in Capcom's extensive history. I don't often fanboy, but when I do, It's for Sagat. I played my Super Street Fighter II cart more than any other game I ever owned on Genesis, and have since played and been hooked on Street Fighter games. It's like meth, I just couldn't give it up, and I had and still have no plans on dropping my habit. Now that I've sat here and talked about this with you all I feel the call...Time to end this and go play some Street Fighter and go lay some Tiger Ass-Whoopings on some poor fools.
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