Sunday, February 10, 2013

Obligitory Introductory Post

A Long Time Ago

I Might Have Had

A Decent Way

To Write

This Intro

 But...I didn't. Since I neglected to come up with an action packed introduction this fact filled thing will have to do. 

 So I guess we'll start with the tried and true grade school introduction. My name is Tucker, and yes I do hate the name game, and I am burdened with glorious purpose. Yep..  I did that, and I’ll reference movies, books, and games until I’m blue in my digital face. You’ll soon learn that I’ve got a special place in my heart for the likes of Optimus Prime, Dr. Doom, Sagat, and Godzilla. I’m a huge fan of the things that fall under the umbrella term “Geekdom”, and I’m here now to carve out a little piece of Geekdom for myself so that I’m able to share my reviews, stories, and opinions with all of you, especially you of like minds and taste. I should also inform you that once I attain ample funding I will begin constructing the robot army that I will need to take over the world...Well I’m going to try to build my ultra-mega robot army and give this conquering the world game a go or two. Here’s to hoping I don’t attract the attention of a super spy or a group of heroes before the construction of said army is complete and I am safely tucked away in my underwater volcano lair.
Robo Army Prototype
Early Prototypes are not as threatening as originally planned.
 Now, I should also state now that I am awful at talking about myself, so let’s talk about some of the things that are to come shall we? First off, something everyone likes, Reviews! Yes, I’ve got reviews planned for everything from Comics and Books, Movies and TV, Video Games of varying genres, Board Games and Pen and Paper RPGs, to less geeky things like the occasional food or drink if I run across anything odd. I also have a plethora of interesting stories about things. If it’s one thing I have in spades, its random stories about my misadventures thus far in life or to the silly things that happen when you play Dungeons and Dragons with a group of assholes.
What every D&D game devolves into.
 If all goes according to plan, and yes I am also aware of what happens to the best laid plans of mice and men, I should have an update or two a week, hopefully more. I really would enjoy being able to blog about the things I love and have it be more than just an occasional thing. I’m new to this serious blogging thing, and I’m still setting my everything up, but If anyone does happen to read this and have anything they would like me to take a look at and do a piece about just let me know, as it stands I’ll likely have my first “worthwhile” piece up sometime later after I decide whether to write my first comic review or a game review. Till then, brave readers.


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