The cast of characters offered in this title is amazing, so amazing in fact I'm going to list the entire roster!
On the Capcom side of things we have:
- Akuma (Gouki in Japan) - Super Street Fighter II Turbo
- Balrog (M.Bison in Japan) - Street Fighter II
- Blanka - Street Fighter II
- Cammy - Super Street Fighter II
- Chun-Li - Street Fighter II
- Dan Hibiki - Street Fighter Alpha
- Dhalsim - Street Fighter II
- Eagle - Street Fighter
- Edmond Honda - Street Fighter II
- Guile - Street Fighter II
- Ken Masters - Street Fighter
- Kyosuke - Rival Schools (Batsu Ichimonji and Hinata Wakaba also appear as summonable characters in one of his super combos)
- M. Bison (Vega in Japan) - Street Fighter II
- Maki - Final Fight 2
- Morrigan Aensland - Darkstalkers
- Rolento Schugerg - Final Fight
- Evil Ryu (console only) - Street Fighter Alpha 2
- Ryu - Street Fighter
- Sagat - Street Fighter
- Sakura - Street Fighter Alpha 2
- Vega (Balrog in Japan) - Street Fighter II
- Yun - Street Fighter III (Yang also appears as a summonable character in certain special moves and super combos)
- Zangief - Street Fighter II
- Shin Akuma (Shin Gouki in Japan) - Street Fighter Alpha 2
- Athena Asamiya - Psycho Soldier
- Benimaru Nikaido - The King of Fighters '94
- Chang Koehan and Choi Bounge - The King of Fighters '94
- Geese Howard - Fatal Fury
- Haohmaru - Samurai Shodown
- Iori Yagami - The King of Fighters '95
- Orochi Iori (console only) - The King of Fighters '97
- Joe Higashi - Fatal Fury,Fatal Fury 2
- Kim Kaphwan - Fatal Fury 2
- King - Art of Fighting
- Kyo Kusanagi - The King of Fighters '94
- Hibiki Takane - The Last Blade 2
- Mai Shiranui - Fatal Fury 2
- Nakoruru - Samurai Shodown
- Raiden - Fatal Fury
- Rock Howard - Garou: Mark of the Wolves
- Rugal Bernstein - The King of Fighters '94
- Ryo Sakazaki - Art of Fighting
- Ryuhaku Todoh - Art of Fighting
- Ryuji Yamazaki - Fatal Fury 3
- Terry Bogard - Fatal Fury
- Vice - The King of Fighters '96
- Yuri Sakazaki - Art of Fighting 2
- Ultimate Rugal (God Rugal in Japan) - The King of Fighters '94
Now, with that impressive roster of combatants you can put together some pretty amazing teams, this is one of the main reasons why I love the 3 vs 3 mode, one of my favorite teams is Evil Ryu, Haomaru, and Sagat, although I am also partial to Ryu, M. Bison, and Terry. The roster however allows for many many awesome combinations. It is those many many combinations of fighters and groove styles that make for tons of exciting potential fights.
I have played many fighting games throughout the years, but I always find myself coming back to CvsS2. An HD re-release would absolutely make my year, so here's to hoping for that. Well folks, this concludes today's article, I'm hoping to have another article for you all to read soon, till then.
came across your article was just writing and mentioned SNK VS Capcom in my own article. The roster is indeed impressive, and the art style in its own way disregarding pixels very beautiful. Enjoyed what you had to say